- Written request for Review Procedure with a stamp of $5.00 MN and as many copies as there are parties, stating the date of submission and who received it.
- Registry file.
- Proof of summons to all parties, which when submitting their brief must accompany the stamp of $ 5.00 MN.
- New verifications and investigations carried out in which the evidence practices proposed by the parties must be recorded.
- New opinion of the President of the CCS and the Board of Directors.
- New opinion of the President of the ANAP at the provincial and municipal level on the Revision procedure.
- Criterion of the President of the ANAP at the national level.
- Legal Opinion on the request for review procedure, which must be approved by the Director or Head of the Provincial Department of Land Control and the Head of the Legal Department.
- Well-founded criteria of the Delegate or Provincial Director of Agriculture addressed to the Minister.
- In case of contradiction, analyze in the Provincial Agrarian Commission and include a copy of the record in the file or certification of the agreement.
- Resolution of the Minister.
- To fasten, foliate and index the incorporated documents and update the paperwork sheet.
- To notice to all parties.
- Payment in the ONAT if the inheritance is awarded to new heirs.
- Certificate of Registration to proceed.
Review Procedure
- Hits: 765
- You should not use obscene or offensive words.
- Comments should be related to the topic.
- Comments that violate previous policies will not be posted.