Application for Singleness Certification 02 May 2018 14 November 2019 Print Email Please Rate Vote 1 Vote 2 Vote 3 Vote 4 Vote 5 Rating: ( 0 Rating ) Please fill in the fields of the form with the requested data. Please note that fields with an asterisk must be filled in. Name and Surname Date of Birth Volume CI Folio Civil Registry Other information you wish to add Amount of Certifications To take effect on: National Foreigner Once the process is completed must be notified to: Email Telephone Collect certifications in: Pinar del Río La Palma San Juan y Martínez San Luis Los Palacios Consolación del Sur Minas de Matahambre Guane Mantua Viñales Sandino Captcha Submit Your request will be processed. Once the procedure is finished, you will be notified through the channels you gave, so that you can present yourself at the Municipal Department of Justice of the territory where you requested the corresponding certification. Please turn on javascript to submit your data. Thank you! Powered by BreezingForms