Agricultural property insurance +
They protect direct investment and the yield of temporary crops, as well as permanent plantations from damage or loss caused by weather events, aero-avalanches, tornadoes, strong winds, floods, heavy rains, excess humidity, hail, drought, fire, landslides of the ground as well as pests and diseases. Among the insurable crops are: Tobacco, Coffee, Cocoa, Sugarcane, Rice and other grains, Vegetables, Tubers and roots, Banana, Fruit trees, Seedbeds, Nurseries, Forestry, Temporary flower cultivation, Organoponics, Protected crops. Read More -
Livestock insurance +
It covers deaths, sacrifices, as well as the loss of their ability to fulfill the purpose for which they were intended at the time of signing the contract, provided that these occur due to or as a result of weather risks, illnesses after thirty (30) days natural after the entry into force of the insurance, as well as the risk of accident. In the same way, it covers: Asphyxia, pathological childbirth, bloating and operative and postoperative complications, provided that said interventions have been carried out by veterinary personnel, among these livestock assets we have: Cattle, Sheep / Goats, Rabbits, Equine Cattle,… Read More -
Patrimonial agricultural insurance +
They cover damage caused to Agricultural Machinery, Equipment and Implements due to weather events, tornadoes, strong winds, floods, heavy rains, excess humidity, hail, fire, landslides, theft and crashes or overturning. Read More
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