- Among the functions of Ciget Granma are the following:
- To provide consulting services, advice, analysis and comprehensive solutions in information management, knowledge, innovation, business intelligence and intellectual property.
- To provide training services on issues associated with information management, knowledge, innovation and business intelligence.
- To execute research, development and innovation projects in matters related to its activity.
- To Implement and control compliance with the National Information Policy.
- To generate, distribute and market products and services, fundamentally of high added value, industrial property services and for technological management, to satisfy the needs of access and use of the decision-making function, the creation of useful capacities for management efficient processes of generation, assimilation and dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge and ensure its protection when appropriate.
- To develop human resources in the territory, linked to information activity, telematics, industrial property and technological management.
- To organize and develop the process of generating products and services.
- To provide information management solutions to companies, research centers and scientific-technical services, organizations of the first level of management of the territory and other entities, through:
- Value-added information services to provide them with relevant information based on their planning process, problem solving and decision making, taking advantage of the potential offered by the INTERNET connection in this regard.
- Consulting services for the design and implementation of the Management Information System that adequately combines the collection and use of internal and external information within the organization, necessary for the scope of its effectiveness, efficiency and competitiveness.
- To provide solutions to science and technology management problems in companies, research centers and scientific-technical services, innovative organizations and other entities, through:
- Preparing diagnoses for executive decision-making on innovation processes, financing, import and export, and other aspects of science and technology.
- To provide evaluation services for research projects, scientific infrastructure, technology transfer, capacity building and for the transformation of R&D results into innovation projects.
- To provide an adequate legal protection framework for the knowledge generated in the territory through the provision of services related to industrial property in all its forms.
Segments towards which Ciget Granma is focused.
The main market segments towards which its commercial activity is focused are the Science and Technology Units, the Companies Prioritized by Citma in the territory, the Companies in the Process of Business Improvement and the Exporting Companies. The system of indicators assumed by Ciget Granma to evaluate the impact of its products and/or services on clients rests on three important moments:
- The global impact of the institution;
- Knowledge of existing reports and
- Institutional management, especially in the commercial process, through the professional performance of its human resources.
The entity's production and provision of services are organized through project management. The main technologies used for production are information and communication technologies and management technologies.