Duties and rights of customers of Liquefied Petroleum Gas.
Customer Duties:
- To present the supply book and the last sales receipt every time you go to buy or receive the product at home through the "door-to-door" system.
- To deliver a cylinder whose number coincides with that registered in the receipt of the last sale.
- To pay the established price according to the type of service.
- To receive the proof of sale in each purchase.
- To witness the weighing of the cylinder, the removal of the seal and the revision of the valve, as well as verify that the number recorded on the receipt coincides with the one of the delivered cylinder.
- To safeguard the cylinder at home and keep it in good condition.
- To make the corresponding complaint in case of theft, as a condition to access a new lease.
- To receive visits from LPG specialists and facilitate the inspection of the system at home.
- To go to the Commercial House to update any data that modifies the conditions agreed in the contract.
Client rights:
- To receive the supply by the regulated system according to the rotation established for each system.
- To receive friendly and respectful treatment during purchases or other procedures at points of sale or commercial houses.
- To receive information about the existence of the product at the points of sale.
- To receive visits from mechanical service specialists based on their reports of breakdowns, leaks or gas stove maintenance. (Based on the client's report, the six clarify the time they have to make the visit)
- To freely assign the ownership of your contract, transfer it in the event of a change of address, transfer it in the event of an exchange or transfer it in an inheritance process.
- To receive the replacement of the cylinder at no cost in the event of a leak, if it retains 8 Kg if it comes from the regulated sale and 5 Kg if it comes from the released sale,
- When the customer reports with its weight, but the kitchen does not turn on, in this case the CUPET mechanical services certify the situation and the customer service is replaced at no cost.
- To receive all the information you need about the LPG service.