The request for the Identity document can be made from any Procedures Office in the country, regardless of the place of Residence, except for Changes of Address, which must be formalized in the Procedures Offices of the province where the home is located.
The identity document may be requested for the following reasons:
- Deterioration
- Lost
- Arrive at 16 years of age
- Change of address
- Error correction
- Legal Change
- Demobilized FAR
- Release from prison
- Entrance to the country
Deterioration: When the identity document, due to its physical state, does not allow the holder to be identified.
Loss: When the holder's identity document is lost or stolen and cannot present it for the requested procedure.
Correction of error: It is any modification, deletion or addition of data in the general information of the owner, provided that they do not constitute substantial changes in the identity of the person, for example names and surnames and the year of birth. Changes or modifications in the names of the owner's parents, in the tome and folio, in the place of birth, those associated with the Civil Status Registry are also considered to be corrected.
Legal Change: The modifications, suppressions or additions in the general of the citizen and year of birth that generate a substantial change in the identity of the person, these modifications are made by the Court and in the Birth Certificate issued by the Civil Registry must be consigned in the observations the number of Resolution or Judgment by which the modifications were made.
Change of Address: It is the update of the address register based on the request of the citizen and with the consent of the owner of the property where he intends to reside. Changes of address can be requested on a Temporary or Permanent basis.
Temporary: It can be requested from 1 month to 1 year and can be extended as many times as the parties wish.
Permanent: Indefinitely, until the holder makes a new movement in the Address Registry.