Investment credits +
They will be granted in national currency to individual Farmers and usufructuaries in the modalities of simple credit (a single installment) or line of credit (several installments) with a maximum term between 3 and 10 years. Financing purposes: Promotion, renewal or sealing of permanent crops (except forestry). Maximum term between 4 and 10 years, depending on the crop. Forest plantations. Maximum term between 3 and 7 years. Conditioning of land. Maximum term 5 years. Acquisition of machinery, equipment, media and working animals. Maximum term between 5 and 10 years. Construction of dryers, curing houses, kalfrisas, fences and other rural constructions. … Read More -
Credits for working capital +
They will be granted in national currency to individual farmers and usufructuaries in the modalities of simple credit (a single installment) or line of credit (several installments) for a maximum term of 18 months. Purposes: Production of temporary crops (productive cycle of less than 18 months). Permanent plantations (productive cycle greater than 18 months). Livestock production. Self-consumption. Posture production. Protected, semi-protected, organoponic crops and intensive orchards. Marketing expenses. Benefits to selected productions. Production of fresh vegetables and condiments. Requirements: Inscription in the state registry according to the form of production. Certification of legal land ownership. Insurance policy or application for… Read More
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