The applicant must have a fixed or regular income, from which the monthly payments of their salary or other payments or income they receive can be withheld. These accounts may be linked to Payment Centers.
This account is individual
It admits designation of beneficiaries, likewise, adding or modifying a beneficiary, following the procedure established for the rest of the accounts.
They may be opened in person at branches or through payment channels.
Withdrawals or transfers to accounts may be made. If these are made before the expiration of the term, the interest rate of the sight savings accounts will be applied in the payment of interest.
This type of savings does not have a means of payment.
If the holder closes the account before the agreed term, he will have the right to collect the principal + interest for the period elapsed at the interest rate of the demand savings accounts.
The applicant must have a fixed or regular income, from which the monthly payments of their salary or other payments or income they receive can be withheld.
The age of the applicant should preferably be 10 years less than the retirement age, which does not prevent the opening of younger people from being accepted.
This account is individual
It admits designation of beneficiaries, likewise, adding or modifying beneficiaries, following the procedure established for the rest of the accounts.
They may be opened in person at branches or through payment channels (in this first stage they will be opened only at branches).
In cases where the client requests it, more than one account may be opened for this savings modality.
Monthly payment: Amount equal to or greater than the minimum amount of the account.
You can make changes to the monthly payment. The monthly increase is admitted during the first five (5) years. The decrease in the monthly payment may be set at any time during the term, as long as it maintains a minimum amount of 100.00 CUP.
It does not allow withdrawals or transfers to other accounts.
You can only access the payment of preferential interest, once the term of ten years (10 years) has elapsed. In cases in which the closing of the account is requested before the expiration of the 10-year term, you will not be entitled to receive the preferential interest accumulated to date; in these cases the treatment of applying interest to accounts will be applied. Formation of Funds (4.0% for each year elapsed and 2.0% for the remaining days that the account was open).
After opening this account, it will not be necessary for the client to attend the Bank to maintain them.
This type of savings does not have a means of payment.
The closing of the account will be carried out at the opening branch for those that were made in person and those opened through the payment channels will be carried out this way.
They may be granted as a guarantee of financing
These accounts may be linked to Payment Centers.
At the opening of this savings modality, the holder determines with what average amount to operate his current account during the year and from that figure, each time it is exceeded by 10,000.00 CUP (minimum) the Fixed Term Deposit is constituted, for which it will be taken into account that:
Minimum amount for opening: 10,000.00 CUP
The interest rate will be in correspondence with the agreed term, according to those defined for term deposits.
Minimum term for opening: 6 months.
After opening the first deposit, each time the balance in your current account exceeds 10,000.00 CUP, the holder may choose between two variants: to open a new deposit with another term and expiration date, to increase the balance of the deposit already opened.
This account is individual.
It supports designation of beneficiaries.
They may be opened in person at branches or through payment channels
It does not allow withdrawals or transfers between accounts.
The closing of the account will be carried out at the opening branch for those that were made in person and those opened through the payment channels will be carried out this way.
The payment of interest may be accessed once the agreed term has elapsed.
If the holder does not appear at the expiration of the term, the deposit will be extended ex officio.
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