- To receive respectful, dignified, considerate treatment with due diligence in the provision of the service by the entity's personnel.
- To know the characteristics, procedures, costs and benefits of the products and services prior to contracting them, as well as the responsibilities that they acquire as a client.
- To access products and services that meet quality standards in accordance with the reported and agreed conditions.
- To have mechanisms that allow you to express claims, complaints, requests and suggestions safely and with the guarantee of a clear and timely response.
- To be cared for in a comfortable, adequate and safe environment.
- To obtain timely, clear and truthful documentation, such as contracts, forms and receipts that effectively support the contracting of products, services and the performance of transactions.
- To demand discretion on the information provided and the transactions carried out, the appropriate and safe safeguarding of the documentation or securities delivered.
- To be evaluated responsibly to obtain credits and receive the necessary advice for the use of services appropriate to their needs.
- To receive transparent, responsible and complete communication, based on truth and the principle of integrity.
TUS DEBERES (YOUR DUTIES): To fulfill them to guarantee the greatest satisfaction with our service.
- To provide information and documentation that is truthful, sufficient, timely and subject to verification and updating. Likewise, promptly communicate changes in the information provided and attend to any request for clarification or supplementation that the bank requires.
- To read and find out about the terms and conditions agreed upon through contracts, regulations, forms, receipts and other materials provided by the bank.
- To comply with and respect the established policies, rules and procedures, as well as the responsibilities acquired with the institution.
- To treat the staff of the institution with respect and kindness and not demand, in any case, preferential treatment that violates our procedures or is detrimental to other clients.
- To communicate to the bank, using the available mechanisms, any doubt, problem, claim or suggestion about products, services and the treatment received by its personnel.
- You should not use obscene or offensive words.
- Comments should be related to the topic.
- Comments that violate previous policies will not be posted.